On a somewhat inclement day Phillip deserves enormous credit for his dedication and art in his pitch preparation It rained consistently from late morning until just after 5pm yet the pitch played true and honest throughout as evidenced by a total of 249 runs being scored. 

The EH batted first and rattled up a total of 127. There was plenty of 'late edition' to their batting as their batters contributed right down the order - helped somewhat by the no LBW rule! 

MOTM John bowled two quality overs, Phillip chipped in with a wicket while Sean was super precise as always. Eddie bowled a crucial maiden - a rarity in T20 cricket and as good as a wicket in and of itself. 

In reply the Walnuts battled courageously and came within 5 runs of victory. Brian fluently struck a 20 while Liam scored a rapid 21, bringing up his total with a crushing 4. 

Gerry hit some flowing leg side strikes in his innings while late hitting from Colin, Eddie and John nearly saw the Walnuts over the line - Eddie hitting some tactical shots towards the famous tree. 

But it was not to be as the Herald didn't bottle it as the Walnuts ran them close.

Afterwards the Walnuts, and a couple of Evening Herald lads, retired to the club just as the rain descended again. Brian and Paddy supplied the sandwiches and cakes and we Walnut Taverners were very grateful for same. 

As the rain crashed down drinking, chat and laughter could be heard all around TCRFC after another night of terrific cricket in Terenure. 

Evening Herald @ Terenure College June 16th 2023

Walnuts Win under the Tree.