Walnuts Win under the Tree.

In a rematch of our earlier Blackrock encounter, the Dalkey Archives gained revenge against the Walnut Taverners as they chased down a target of 82 with four overs to spare. 

Batting first the Walnuts struggled with timing in the face of very accurate Dalkey bowling. Brian however batted superbly and struck a fluent, classy 20, Colin clubbed a 20 while strong late hitting from Eddie (a rapid run a ball 7) guided the Walnuts to 82. 

In reply the Walnuts were in the game at the half way stage thanks to precise bowling from Sean, Eddie and wickets from Phillip and Liam. 

But Dalkey chalked off the runs with 4 overs to spare.

Afterwards both sides descended to the club and enjoyed a terrific evening of beer and chat. Cyril once famously said "I mainly come for the beer and sambos" and I can vouch that for many of us the social dimension of Taverners cricket is integral to the spirit of the game. Dalkey are a great and honourable opponent and we look forward to many more matches in the years ahead.

MOTM awards went to Brian and Colin - Brian's batting glorious to watch - A combination of stout defence and sumptuous cover drives.

Thank you again to the Dalkey lads and we'll see you again next year. 

Dalkey Archives @ Terenure College June 9th 2023