Walnuts v North Kildare 21/06/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Firstly we would like to thank North Kildare for the game on a very pleasant Friday evening in Terenure College.   A special thank you to Philip and the grounds staff of the college, the crease was manicured beautifully and the outfield was in excellent condition.   The game was played on the standard 20 overs of 6 balls.  

As the Walnuts were short of numbers it was decided we would bat first with Mike and Mark D opening the batting.  After a couple of slow overs the run rate was ramped up with a fabulous sequence from Mike who ended up on 24 which along with his bowling earned him the PoTM award from the opposing captain.  Further maximums followed from Mark K (Mark) on 24, Sean (20) and Damian (22), with contributions all down the field including a fabulous cricket shot from Cyril, who had the best game I have seen him play.   Walnuts posted a good score of 125 and we were wondering if it would be enough.   

There was always a doubt, but this gradually subsided as the overs went by in the response.   Mike and Sean opened the bowling and gave up only 11 runs in their 4 overs - which left North Kildare with a bit of a hill to climb.    As fabulous as the openers were though, this was surpassed by our own PoTM (awarded by the stand in captain Philip) CYRIL (with 2 wickets for 4 runs in his 2 overs.)   The bowling was very tight for the majority of the innings, with contributions of 0 for 4 (Damian), 0 for 5 (Philip), 0 for 1 of 1 over (Mark D), 0 for 3 of 1 over (Ian).  Our wickets were taken by young Adam (who made his grandad Philip very proud) and the return of Tom Morrisey - who got his from a fabulous catch from Ian.   The Walnuts restricted the North Kildare lads to 80 and the victory was ours.   Congratulations to all the team.   The afters were an absolute treat as well - with Philip and Sean providing a fabulous spread.   

On a personal note, along with the Arthurs games, this is a fixture I look forward to the most as the lads of North Kildare are true taverners with the spirit and sportsmanship that  this alludes to both in victory and defeat (and we have had both against them in the last few years).

Walnuts v Evening Herald 17/05/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Walnuts update. Firstly thanks to the Evening Herald for the game on a pleasant Friday evening in Terenure. And thanks to Philip, the track was fab.

So that was the game that was. Not much to report really to be honest on this one, Evening Herald batted first. The Walnuts only picked up 2 wickets an inning that was somewhat lethargic maybe, another 3 dropped catches, and some fielding errors could have potentially cost us the game. The pick of the bowlers - well interestingly enough is it the wicket takers (Eddie with 1 for 16 in his 2 overs, or my man of the match Cyril with 1 for 15 in his 2), or Liam with some beautiful bowling giving 0 for 4, or Brian with 0 for 6? The Evening Herald posted an impressive 112 - (while giving everyone a bat - some retiring on 8 or so.)

On to the batting, and what a start for the Aussie Mitch - hitting a 6 of the first ball and getting to 16 in a flash with a couple of boundaries, before getting caught in two minds and skying one which was caught. It was also a glorious inning for Brian - who followed suit with a 6 and a 4 before being brilliantly caught on 18, with a ball that looked destined for a six. The 2 openers gave the Walnuts a boost that was needed and (along with a 20 from MOTM Peadar), even though there was a dip in the run rate (you can't maintain that over 20 overs), there was plenty on the board for the Walnuts to win with a couple of overs to spare. A lovely highscoring cameo by Dave Sheridan finished the game of with 3 fours in the 18th over.

My own performance, thought I did okish in the field - got a knock on the foot early doors but was able to walk it off, also thought I did better at long on as opposed to silly mid. Bowling only gave up 7 runs and personally for the 2nd week in a row I thought I was unlucky not to get a wicket. Teja the practice I do think is paying off. Was disappointed not to get a bat but for the greater good and all that. All in all a lovely evening was had with friends, and the Evening Herald lads were a very nice bunch.

This unfortunately will be my last game for 3 weeks, but I hope someone will write the reports for me.

Walnuts v Rathgar Ramblers 30/08/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Not a lot to say on this one - thanks to the Rathgar Ramblers for the game, however it was a bit of a walk for them.   Not going to go into the nitty gritty, so I'll leave it there.   An unfortunate way to end the year, but it was still a winning season.   Thank you to everyone of the Walnuts for a wonderful year of cricket.   I will sign of with one last mention of our esteemed president, God Bless you Doc - and may you rest in peace.

content copyright. 2015. Walnut Taverners. All rights reserved.

Walnuts v Air Corps 07/06/19: Venue Game Postponed

 Due to the sudden passing of our President, touring walnut, and more importantly our very very dear friend Dr. Pat Tunney it was agreed with the Air Corps that this game would be postponed to a later date.    It is with great sadness that I write this.   Doc , thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done, it was a pleasure to have known you - you will be sorely missed.  

Walnuts v Malahide 24/05/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Walnuts update: Firstly thanks to Malahide Tavs for a lovely game on a great batting track on Friday and of course a huge thank you to Eddie for the setting it up.  The format of the game was 15 overs of 8 balls.

On to the game and Malahide batted first, in a game that gave us 10 wickets in all and its great to see some catches sticking lads.    Wickets for the Walnuts were taken by Mark, and Eddie (bowled out), Mitch and Rhys (who caught and bowled theirs), and to Dave (who picked his up by a catch from Rhys).   Malahide eventually ran up a daunting total of 114, leaving 115 for the win.  

On to the batting and Mike and Mitch opened , and both reached their 20s with Mitch top scoring on the day and getting the Walnuts POTM.   This was followed by Peadar Devlin's 3rd maximum in his 3 games and a lovely knock of 16 by Liam and the Walnuts were definitely on track.   The score was 76 of the first 7 overs, but to quote Eddie, "The famous Terenure Walnut collapse happened", and the runs dried up - eventually losing the game by 1 run.     Bad luck to all concerned, this brings our record for the season to 2 and 2.    A huge thanks to the "Two Sisters" for the food afterwards, which was enjoyed by all who attended. 

Walnuts v Fitzwilliam 30/05/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Firstly thanks to Fitzwilliam for the game at Terenure College on Thursday.   Not much to say about this game, unfortunately.   The Walnuts batted first started and rather poorly, to some very very good opening bowling from Fitzwilliam, and this continued throughout really.  Only 2 really stand out performances from our lads,  Sean and our MoTM Mark K giving us a little hope.  The Walnuts reached 85, and were somewhat lucky to do so.

On to the bowling and Liam started very brightly again taking 2 early wickets, and Philip taking one, and we seemed to be in with a definite shout, but unfortunately Filtzwilliam took the game away from us in the middle overs.   New boy Dave had a couple of good overs at the end but it was too little to late and they won with an over to spare.   It does look like we need a ton plus to be competitive.

All in all, and by all accounts, an enjoyable game of cricket.  

Walnuts v Dalkey Archives 19/07/19: Venue Away, St. Andrews College, Booterstown

"Hockeyed on the hockey pitch"

Firstly a huge thank you to Dalkey Archives, and to St. Andrews College, for the game in beautiful Booterstown with the view out into Dublin Bay.   A fabulous setting for a game of cricket.   

To the game and we lost the toss and were put into field, and unfortunately there is not much to report here or on the batting.   The Archives batted vey well, but they were assisted ably by the Walnut fielding.   There was an abnormal amount of misfields by usually very reliable fielders and it was contagious, and there were a few byes that ran to the boundary, which really killed the game as a contest.  There were also a couple of dropped catches - one of which was a dolly unfortunately.  The Extras total at the end was 35.   Going to put it down as a bad day in the office to be fair.   There was a couple of plus points, for instance a fabulous catch at long on by Philip of Eddie's bowling when the ball was destined for a six, and with the very next ball a bizarre hit wicket, and also the return of Grahame - taking a fabulous wicket of his first ball of the year, but these instances were few.  Dalkey eventually running up 142 runs.  

We didn't do well with the bat either with some really good bowling all the way down the field.    A couple of good shots, but again these were few, with no one managing double figures (Damian top scored with 9).   Dalkey were kind enough to allow us to bat all 12 that travelled to get the 20 overs in.   

It would be remiss of me if I didn't mention the spread the guys brought along.   Pims, pork pies, crackers and cheese.   Fabulous.  

All in all, a bad defeat to a very good team - but highly enjoyable none the less.  

Walnuts v Chapelizod 14/06/19: Venue Away, Castleknock

Firstly thanks to Chapelizod for the game played at Castleknock College Cricket grounds.   This was a game that looked like it wasn't going to happen but Mick (their captain) was adamant the weather would change, and he was nearly right :).   The game went ahead but we only had what our stand in captain, Eddie, has named the "Hateful 8", so Mick organised 3 lads to play for us, so a huge thank you for that, and to Willie Barr, Clayton Newlove and Mkosi (so good they only gave him 1 name).

Eddie won the toss and elected to bat, but their antipodean fast bowlers soon made short work of our opening batsman. Willie Barr stopped the rot, aided aimfully by Sean and Dave, and got his maximum. We had a short bright period near the end with Eddie and Mkosi swinging the bat. Our top scorer on the night was Mr Wide with 35. Very fast bowling but a bit wide with the wet ball.   We posted 86 and this always looked too short.   

Chapelizod went at our score very manfully but, to be fair the Walnuts bowling ( with everyone having a turn and Tom Markham behind sticks) kept the score down as much as possible, but their skillful batting got them 3 maximums over 13 overs.  Some cracking bowling from Eddie, who produced a lovely catch by Willie Barr, and from Ian and Mike in the next few overs took a wicket apeice, however it was not enough and the Chapelizod guys reached the target with ease.   

Afterwards it was back to the Villager Pub in Chapelizod for Sambos and a pint. Man of the match for them was Mick O'Connor( their Captain) for nice 21 runs and for getting us 3 stand up blokes to play for us.  Man of the match for the Walnuts was Mkosi for a nice 14 runs and some mad bowling that frightened the *insert locker room talk here* out of Tom Markham at Keeper.

We lost the match but we beat the weather.

Walnuts v Ashford 28/07/19: Venue Away, Oak Hill Cricket Club

Firstly a huge thank you for the invite from Ashford to the gorgeous Oak Hill Cricket Club.   What a stunning view.   These guys truly do play in paradise.

The game was an extended Taverners game (30 overs of 6 balls - retire when over 29).    

The Walnuts fielded first and it looked ominious after the first over (with 14 coming of it), but thankfully that was the worst of it, with some brilliant bowling all the way down the field.   With just 2 dropped catches (one causing a fractured thumb - sorry Philip), and a couple of misfields, all in all a good day in the field, especically as there were 3 lovely catches to counter the mistakes.   Also, it should be mentioned, Ian behind the stumps had a cracking game - with nothing going past him.  The wickets were taken by Frank (bowled), Tom (bowled), Graham (bowled), Eddie (caught by Mike), Damian (caught by Frank), Andrew (Bowled), and 2 by MoTM Peadar (1 bowled and 1 caught by Mike).   Ashford posted a score of 125.   In the intermission Ashford produced a lovely spread of sandwiches and pastries which I have to say were most welcome and, with the coffees and teas, it was a revigourated Walnuts that went out to bat.

Some lovely batting set the run rate required tumbling, especially by Brian (26), and again MoTM Peadar (who got his 30 runs).   A bad day got worse for Philip though as he stepped on his wicket - only 3 times in 3 years have I seen this (twice in 2 weeks).   Tom (20 not out), aided by runner Mike, and Graham (14 not out) took the game home and the Walnuts won with 5 and a half overs to spare.  

All in all it was a beautiful setting for a game of cricket and the Ashford team were a lovely bunch of lads - especially the umpire.


Walnuts v Gravediggers 23/08/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Thanks to the Gravediggers for a highly enjoyable bit of banter with some cricket thrown in.   Brilliant batting from Liam and Mitch with their maximums and fantastic bowling by Andy and Josh provided the win, and ensured a winning season for the Walnuts, taking the record to 7 wins and 5 losses.  Congratulations to all.

Those who can, play, those who can't play, teach, and those who can't teach, report.

Walnuts v Trinity Theatricals 28/06/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Firstly, as always, thank you to the Trinity Theatricals Taverners for the game on a gorgeous Friday evening in Terenure, and also a huge thank you for the effort of the ground staff for getting the crease prepared.   The track was perfect, and the outfield was trimmed down.

On to the game, and the only way I can describe it is "Its a Funny Old Game, cricket".   Walnuts won the toss and opted to bat.    Some very good bowling, and fantastic fielding, by the Trinity Theatricals ensured that runs were to be at a premium - with a couple of quite outstanding catches.   The top 4 for the Walnuts contributed to the vast majority of the score, with Mitch top scoring on 22, Sean (17), Mike (11) and Philip (10), but it was a slog for the Walnuts, who posted 88, and this was never going to be enough, until it was.

When the Theatricals came on and hit a 6 of the first ball, the writing appeared to be on the wall.    This, however, was to be 1 of only 3 boundaries that the Theatricals were to hit.   Some very tight bowling, and some very aggressive fielding, with the troops marshalled by the dual captaincy of Philip and Mike,  towards the end of the inning was to prove enough and the Walnuts were to win by 8 runs.   Special mention has to be made to the fielding prowess of Philip Whelan who threw for 2 run outs, and himself getting figures of 2 wickets for 3 runs.   Also a huge Walnuts welcome to our Saffer, Josh Ronan, who had just come along to have a look, and took 2 wickets himself, along with a great catch.    It would be remiss of me to not document the most nonchalant catch I have ever witnessed, of the bowling of Josh, and with the ball coming at speed, a slight bend of the knees, and the ball plucked out of the air by Sean - what a catch.    

A funny old game, ending with a victory, and the Walnuts record is now 4 and 4.

Walnuts v Leinster Tavs 10/05/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Walnuts latest. Firstly, as always, thanks to the Leinster Tavs for the game at Terenure College, and to Philip for a wonderful track on what was a wet Friday afternoon before the game. A mostly enjoyable game in what turned out to be a pleasantly warm evening in Terenure, with a few gripes, controversies and at least one potential grudge lol.

The game, and after the toss Leinster batted first, starting relatively slowly, but building an inning total of 99 before the end. Lovely bowling from Mike and Brian who opened for the Walnuts. This continued with Philip who continued his great start with a lovely clean bowled, and Damian (who gave up the first boundary of the game) with the cat like Paddy B behind the stumps taking his first of his 2 run outs (the 2nd later in the inning earning him POTM from our captain Tom D) during Damians tenure. Another good outing from new boy Dave and a wicket later by Paddy Devlin (senior) and the Leinster inning was complete leaving a clean 100 as the target and the chase was on.

It was agreed before the game that some of the Leinster lads would be allowed to bowl 3 overs as they didn't have enough bowlers (a decision in hindsight was very strange but anyway) and this led to the controversy at the end of the inning.   
Mike and Brian opened the batting with both batting well but some lovely lovely bowling by the Leinster player (Mr. Bisht?) ended Brian's involvement on 11 Sean was unfortunately run out chasing 2 (potential gripe number one) , and then the potential gripe number 2. With Mike on 19, and Damian batting a complete mix up and Mike was run out while at the strikers end beside his batting partner. Run was on but wasn't taken. Sincerest apologies Mike. Tom and Philip both reached their 20s (2 maximums in a row for Philip), but that was the last runs of note. It was here that the controversy and gripe number 3 came up, with Mr Bisht being allowed his 3rd over which was out of order for in my opinion, if you are allowed bowlers to bowl 3 you don't send in your star man but unfortunately this is what happened and the Walnuts came up short by 8 runs on 91. Rant over, line drawn,  and a highly enjoyable game was had and it was back to the club for sandwiches and cocktail sausages, courtesy of Cyril (Mary) and Tom D, and the POTM presentations. Roll on Evening Herald next week at home again. 

                                               MATCH REPORTS 2019

Walnuts v Ashford 01/08/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Walnuts update: Firstly a huge thank you to the Ashford team for making the long journey to Terenure in time to play the game.  The format was normal Taverner rules (20 6 ball overs, retire over 19 etc..), and also a huge thank you to the injured Philip for cutting and sanding the crease.    

Walnuts batted first and some lovely, lovely strokes from Sean, Brian and Josh brought up their maximums against some fabulous bowling, with Peadar and Ian completing the inning and the Walnuts posted a score of 98

When the Walnuts took the field we thought that the posted score would not be enough - how wrong could we be.   Some excellent bowling, and some fabulous fielding kept the run rate down (only 1 boundary was conceded in the whole inning).   Stand out performances with the ball (and this may take a while), Mike 5 runs for 1 wicket of 2 overs, Sean 1 for 1 of 1, Josh 1 for 2 of 2, Brian 1 for 2 of 1, Damian 1 for 3 of 1.  Peadar D (Junior) 4 for 2 of 2, and Tom 5 for 1 of 2.       In the field 2 fabulous diving catches by Josh, and a lovely catch each for Brian and Peadar Devlin (Senior) rounded of a fabulous inning in the field, with Ashford bowled out for 49 of 18 overs.   

A fantastic team performance, which brings our record to 6 wins and 5 losses for the season.  

Walnuts v Arthurs Knights 03/05/19: Venue Home, Terenure College

Walnuts update: Firstly thanks to Arthurs Knights for a fabulous game on a freezing cold but dry Friday evening. The first game of the season and the crease was as immaculate as it could be thanks to the groundskeeping of Philip. In Tom D's inaugural game as captain the Walnuts bowled first and couldn't have gotten of to a better start with the tardy scouser Liam taking the first over and dispatching both the Knights openers. There were other notable bowlers with Patrick Devlin (junior) and new boy Dave taking 2 wickets as well, and Philip taking one (along with a lovely catch.) with Mr. Devlin taking the POTM award from the opposition captain and Dave getting the nod from captain Tom.   Other notable instances were a fabulous catch by Tom D and a run out by Paddy B (who also had an excellent game behind the stumps).  The Knights were limited to 79 and it was a target we felt we could achieve.

With the bat Patrick Devlin delivered again, hitting his maximum with 3 boundaries and a few quick singles. Philip also scored his maximum (21) with a mixture of lovely batting, a few quick singles (not bad for a new retiree) and to be fair a good bit of luck, being dropped twice. One in particular was by Willie Barr who had Philip walking to the tree as we all thought he was out including the 2 umpires but in beautiful taverner style (and I am led to believe in true Arthur's form) admitted that the ball touched the ground, which earned Willie a lot of respect but more importantly the bottle of wine for the opposition potm from captain Tom.  The Walnuts got over the line with a lovely boundary from Dave, and it was back to Lakelands for a cozy drink and a few sandwiches , provided by Paddy B and Damian.